Diamond Painting Anleitung

Start at the edge and work from the outside in.

For each symbol in the printed area of the canvas, you can use the symbol legend on the side of the canvas to determine the color code of the matching diamond drills.

Pour your first diamond drills from the bag into the sorting bowl. One color at a time.

Press the tip of the tool pin firmly into the wax. Now pick up a single diamond drill with the waxed tip. To do this, simply press the tip of the tool pin onto the faceted part of the diamond drill.

Only peel off the protective foil on your motif as far as you are working. Place each diamond drill on a matching symbol of your motif.

After you have finished, cover the canvas again with the protective film and press the diamond drill(s) onto the canvas with your hand, a book or a tool from our carat.art store so that the diamond drills are fixed in place.

You can then frame your finished work of art and decorate your home with it.